Thursday, March 10, 2011

Living the Promise Life

 How do you live a life that moves from victory to victory? How do you lay hold of all God's promises for you? If you are like me, we don't want to settle for a life less than what God intended for us. I don't want to die and realize how much potential I wasted following after my own flesh. I once read (paraphrased) that the world has yet to see what God can do through a man who is absolutely surrendered to Him. Not that I have in any way "arrived," but I want to see what my God can do. 

After the Hebrews escaped from slavery in Egypt, by the hand of God they safely crossed the Red Sea on dry land. They came into a wilderness, but after 11 days they arrived at the threshold of the Promise Land (Israel). The Hebrews were too afraid to enter in; they saw the "giants" of the land and their strong walled cities. They did not trust that God would give the land over to them like He said He would. The Hebrews thus wandered 40 years in the wilderness until a whole generation of them died.
The believer likewise, will go through a time of wilderness in his or her life. A wilderness of living one foot in the Kingdom and one foot in the world. It is an unstable time of ups and downs, a war over the absolute surrender of the soul to God. A time will come however, when each will stand at the threshold of the promise land (promise life) and decide to either trust God and enter in, or turn back to continue wandering in the wilderness. A time in my life came where, after the wilderness, God showed me the promise land (promise life). By God's grace I was brought in, and there is no turning back now. I have entered into the promise life.
  But entering into the promise land (promise life) is not all of it, but just the beginning. Once the Hebrews finally came into their land, they never claimed all that God intended for them to have. Sadly, they stopped short of laying hold of all that God had conquered for them.  By the grace of God, I pray that you and I will not stop, until we lay hold of every promise of God, walking by faith and not by sight, lest we scurry away from the "giants" we encounter. The battle is the LORD's and He has already won the victory for us. Amen!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, since I encouraged you, I figured I should be your first follower. Love it,keep writing. The Lord has called us for such a time as this.
    Love you
