Saturday, July 4, 2015

You Don't Have to Wait to Love Your Future Spouse

You don’t have to wait until you meet your future husband to love him and be faithful to him. Epic love transcends time and space. I don’t think I have met my future husband yet, but I can already love him and practice loyalty in my present decisions. In Braveheart, William Wallace says that he has only loved one woman and that has always stuck with me and inspired me that I only want to love one man sexually. This is my purity ring that I have had since I was 14 and … never actually wear, because it’s too big for me. Also, I always thought purity is a matter of the heart, and that I don’t need a ring to remind me not to have sex. But, as I get older, what this ring symbolizes means more and more to me, especially as the world continues to mock purity and celebrate cheap sex. If you have decided to stay pure until marriage or have decided to stay pure “from now on,” I am so excited for you, but I am also going to warn you.
           At 25, I am still saving myself for marriage, and I understand that it is solely because of GOD’s hand in keeping me. Giving my husband my purity ring on our wedding night is probably going to be one of the most emotional and joyful things in my life, because it has cost so much and has taken so long.  I know it’s going to be so worth it, also because it is my way of telling him that I have loved him and fought for him my whole life. But, I’m not going to sugar coat the reality of waiting. If you want to trust God and obey Him in this area, I can guarantee that you will experience some, if not all, of the following: you will be mocked, insulted, ignored, lonely at times, told you are too uptight, made to feel like something is wrong with you, and straight up rejected by guys who won’t date you because you won’t make out with them or sleep with them. So don’t believe all those lies. Jesus is your husband, and His approval is all you need. And one day, there will be a man of God who will treasure your decision to wait for him (whether it’s been for always or “from now on”), and he will think your love for Jesus is hot. Wait for a man who loves Jesus first and who treats you like you like you are the only girl for him.
 Even though my testimony has been one of physical purity, my heart and mind have failed in this area at times. To God, it is all the same sin. I have seen Him restore virgin hearts to girls who have lost it physically. God’s grace can make all things new. I have seen God’s grace transform some women with sexual pasts into some of the most dignified, humble, beautiful, pure, and sweet vessels for God to pour His grace through. Purity is ultimately a matter of the heart. I wanted to write to encourage any younger women that your fight for your man and God’s glory is going to be SOO worth it. It can be done no matter how old you are, by the grace of God. Don’t wait until you are in a moment of temptation to decide if you will stay pure. You have to purpose it in your heart now, before a situation ever comes your way.

“But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself” – Daniel 1:8

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