Friday, February 8, 2013

What an unbeliever taught me about God

“What is man that You are mindful of Him, And the Son of man that You visit him? For you have made him a little lower than the angels, And You have crowned him with glory and honor”- Psalm 8:3-5.
Every person was created in the image of God. This gives each human an inherit value and worth. God crafted every human in perfect love. Each person is a sacred image created by God. Man is crowned with honor and glory. Though we are perishable and formed out of dust, we are deeply precious in God’s sight. Though finite, we were given value and dignity by the Creator God.  God’s love is not like human love, but it is infinitely deeper and surpasses our understanding. God loves His creation, and He is not a God of waste. He would not create a person that He did not plan to passionately love.
Is it possible to deeply and passionately love someone who will never love you back? Is it possible to love them so much that you would give your life for them though they do not care for you at all? Is a human capable of loving someone without them ever loving back? I think there is a capacity in us for this.
In High school I experienced my only “love at first sight.” I was in 9th grade, and I remember exactly where I was. I fell in love with this person, just head over heels. There was an instant and almost automatic attraction and care. Obviously, I experienced infatuation, but I genuinely believe that I started to love this boy. I liked him almost all of High School. I also prayed for him every day for 7 years. I don’t know why; I was just compelled to pray for him. In college we became better friends. I almost thought he might begin to like me. I still prayed for him. Then he broke my heart a second time by dating another perfect and more exciting girl. Surely, I must not be good enough I thought. I am not enough for him to like me.
All I ever did was care for him and want to bless him. I sincerely prayed for him to have a walk with God. I always thought about his best. Though I was infatuated, I can honestly say that I had a genuine love for this person. After my heart was broken, I began to see that he would never love me back. The more God drew me to Himself, the more I saw how impossible such a relationship would be anyway. The more I drew closer to the light, the more he drifted deeper into darkness.  Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?  What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols?”- 2 Corinthians 6:14-16.
My love for God was growing more and more; and God is a jealous God. This boy I loved had become an idol, and God removed this idol from my heart. I counted the cost of discipleship and let him go forever. Yet, a love remained and so now I only pray. This love is not a marital kind of love at all, only a genuine love for a lost soul. All I hope to know one day is to hear that he was saved somehow, and that is enough.
I can look back and think how ridiculous of me to have loved such an unworthy person. I really cannot find any good reasons that love should have remained. Truly he did nothing to deserve my care. But God taught me something of great value from this experience of heartbreak.
God allowed my experience, because He wanted me to understand, in a sense, what it is like to love someone who will never love you back. He wanted me to feel what it is like to desire someone who will never choose you, to care for a person who does not even think about you.  God gave me a small taste of what He must feel like to love His humans, some of whom will never love Him back. He died for people, some of whom will never give a rip, yet He still gave His life for them. God was able to give without having to receive. Humans are not as able to do this. God can give without getting any returns. God gave His Son for the human race, though some will never receive the love and free gift of salvation. It isn’t a cold business for God when a person rejects Him, but heartbreak. I am glad my heart was broken, so that I could have a sense of the deep love God has for His creation.  
God does not love us depending upon our faithfulness or loveablity.  We are as unworthy of being loved as that boy I liked.
“The Lord did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people:
But because the Lord loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers, hath the Lord brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.”- Deut. 7:7-9
Hosea was told to love a girl who would only break his heart and cheat on him. Yet he loved her, though she was undeserving. He loved, just like God still loves every human and gives them a chance until they die; until the very last second He would take them in.
This unbeliever, the boy I loved, did give me something in the end. From this experience, I gained more of God and count all else as loss for the sake of Christ, Who is the greatest Reward and Husband.

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